Potty Targets are Here!

Potty Targets are here!  Moms and Dads, we have listened to you.  You can stop making the boys use the cat’s bathroom.  No more wondering if the boys got more on the floor or in the bowl or if they were actually aiming for the wall.  Now you can give them something to aim for and even help with potty training.  4 fun designs are included and will be enough to keep the young boys (and men, they never grow up) occupied.

1 thought on “Potty Targets are Here!

  1. We at Murray Therapy (pediatric occupational therapists) find Urinalfly potty targets to be a “home-run” with all the children we serve with sensory processing disorders (SPD). We love the functional practical use of potty targets and we have been receiving great feedback from both the parents and boys that we serve. Potty targets are a smart choice. You can take that from a therapist/dad of 3 sons’ who is the primary bathroom cleaner in our home.

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